Albuquerque Areas
- Academy Acres
- Albuquerque Acres West
- Altura Park
- Arroyo del Oso
- Barelas
- Cibola Addition
- East Downtown (EDo)
- Four Hills Village
- Huning Castle
- Kirtland Community
- Loma del Rey
- Los Candelarias
- Los Ranchos
- Mesa del Sol
- Mirabella
- North Albuquerque Acres
- North Fourth Ward
- Northeast Heights
- Parkland Hills
- Rio Grande Boulevard
- Sandia Heights
- Sawmill District
- South Valley
- Spruce Park
- Sunport
- Sunset Memorial Park
- Tanoan
- Taylor Ranch
- The Academy
- The Knolls
- Tramway
- Ventana Ranch
- Volcano Cliffs
- Wells Park
- West Mesa